Exploration and Preparation
General Studies Associate Degrees

Exploratory Courses
ADM JUS 001 - Introduction to Administration of Justice
HLTHOCC 065 - Fundamentals for the Health Care Professional
ANTHRO 101 - Human Biological Evolution
ARC 110 - Introduction to Architecture
ART 103 - Art Appreciation I
AUTOMO 101 - Introduction to Automobile Technology
BUS 001 - Introduction to Business
CHEM 065 - Introduction to General Chemisty
CHEM 101 - General Chemistry I (depending on prerequisites and placement)
CHICANO 004 - Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
- FAM &CS 021 - Nutrition
- CH DEV 011 - Child, Family, and Community
COMM 101 - Oral Communication I
CAOT 035 - Concepts in Information Systems
COUNSEL 040 - College Success Seminar
DANCEST 457 - Dance Perspectives and Appreciation
ENG GEN 101 - Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technologies
ENGLISH 101 - College Reading and Composition I
SPANISH 035 - Spanish for Spanish Speakers I
Any level 1 modern language (e.g., ASL 001, SPANISH 001, CHINESE 001, FRENCH 001, JAPAN 001)
JOURNAL 101 - Collecting and Writing News
KIN MAJ 100 - Introduction to Physical Education
LIB SCI 101 - College Research Skills
BIOLOGY 003 - Introduction to Biology
MATH 260/260S - Precalculus (with Support)
MATH 241/241S - Trigonometry with Vectors (with Support)
MEDIART 101 - Introduction to Digital Film/Video Production
MUSIC 111 - Music Appreciation I
NURSING 252 - Mathematics of Drugs and Solutions
PHILOS 001 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHYSICS 011 - Introductory Physics
ADDICST 001 - Understanding Addiction and Counseling
PSYCH 001 - General Psychology
RESP TH 101 - Survey of Respiratory Therapy
This department has multiple areas of study and the introductory course for those areas are listed below.
- SOC 001 - Introduction to Sociology;
- POL SCI 001 - The Government of the United States;
- HISTORY 001 - Introduction to Western Civilization I;
- ECON 001 - Principles of Economics I;
THEATER 100 - Introduction to the Theater
Helpful Pathways Documents
IGETC GE | CSU GE | LACCD GE | Skills Certificate Application | Certificate of Achievement Application
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